Education & Travel Documentation

A transcript is considered a public record and must be certified by a school official and then the official’s signature can be notarized. However, an original diploma, can be copied and certified by a Notary Public. TrueBlue also offers Apostille Services if documents are require certification or authentication for study abroad.

According to U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP), if a child is traveling abroad with one parent, the other parent must supply a letter granting permission. If the child is traveling with an adult other than their parents, both parents must provide written permission.

The agency strongly recommends that the permission form be notarized. While the U.S. customs officials do not always ask for this documentation, many countries do, and the “failure to produce notarized permission letters” could result in being denied entry.

When requesting notarized permission forms for summer travel with children, remember these tips:
Follow State Requirements.

A parent who needs their signature notarized must personally appear before the Notary. Many parents are not familiar with notarial rules and procedures and may request the notarization of an absent spouse’s signature, not realizing it’s against the law. In Florida, the Notary cannot perform the notarization if the person signing is a family member because Florida Notaries cannot notarize the signatures of their spouses, parents, or children.

Unauthorized Practice of Law is Prohibited

Requirements for a child’s permission letter may vary depending on the destination and the rules of the airline or cruise ship line. A Notary cannot give legal advice regarding the contents of a permission letter or how a document must be completed. If the signer has questions, they will need to contact the company or travel agency requiring the document for further instructions.

Think Ahead and Be Patient

International travelers often rush and panic at the last minute to make sure the necessary paperwork is in order prior to departure. Parents who need notarized permission for a child to travel at the last minute may get flustered if their signatures cannot be notarized due to lack of acceptable ID or other unexpected issues. When these summer travel crises crop up, a good Notary will remain calm and courteous and explain that the notarization cannot take place without the signer’s personal appearance. And will offer to reschedule so the signer can appear before them with the paperwork in order, to complete the notarization properly.

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